Hedgehog (pun on Harrison and "herison", French for hedgehog)

Trevor Harrison
Email: trevor@trevor-harrison.com
Tel: +44 (0)1892 861690
Skype: trevorkh

Hedgehog (pun on Harrison and "herison", the French word for hedgehog)



Mediation is a simple and cost-effective way of resolving a commercial dispute, regardless of the subject matter in dispute, regardless of the number of parties involved and regardless of whether the dispute is already the subject of legal proceedings or arbitration.

Mediation is flexible, informal and confidential; it involves a neutral person, the mediator, actively assisting parties to work towards a solution to the problem.

Although the mediator controls the process, the parties remain in ultimate control of the outcome; it is their decision whether to settle the dispute or not and they are responsible for the terms of the settlement.

Click here for a Short Introduction to Mediation.


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© Trevor Harrison 2017